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This hook causes a browser redirect to occur if its predicateUrl matches.


export function useRedirect(
  predicateUrl: string,
  targetUrl: string,
  options?: {
    query?: QueryParam | URLSearchParams
    replace?: boolean
    merge?: boolean
): void


If predicateUrl is the current path, redirect to the targetUrl. queryObj is optional, and uses the same serializer that useQueryParams uses by default. If replace (default: true) it will replace the current URL (back button will skip the predicateUrl). If merge is true the query will be merged with the current url query.

import { useRedirect } from 'raviger'

function Route () {
  // Will redirect to '/new' if current path is '/old'
  useRedirect('/old', '/new', { query: { name: 'kyeotic' } })
  return <span>Home</span>