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A hook for detecting whether a provided path or array of paths is currently active. It uses the same path-matching syntax, as well as the basePath and matchTrailingSlash options, as useRoutes.

This can be useful for implementing components that have route-conditional logic, such as Navigation Bars that hide menus on certain pages.

function useMatch(routes: string | string[], options?: PathParamOptions): string | null

interface PathParamOptions {
  basePath?: string
  matchTrailingSlash?: boolean

If no basePath is provided the hook will inherit it from the context of any active useRoutes ancestor.

  • basePath: Override the basePath from the context, if any is present. ('/' can be used to clear any inherited basePath)
  • If matchTrailingSlash is true (which it is by default) a route with a / on the end will still match a defined route without a trialing slash. For example, '/about': () => <About /> would match the path /about/. If matchTrailingSlash is false then a trailing slash will cause a match failure unless the defined route also has a trailing slash.

Matching a single path

useMatch either returns null if the path-pattern does not match the current path, or it returns the matching path.

function NavBar () {
  const match = useMatch('/home') // returns "/home"

  return {
      <Link href="/contact">Contact</Link>
      { !!match && <Link href="/home">Go Back</Link>}

Matching an array of paths

useMatch returns either null if none of them match the path, or it returns the matching path.

function Page () {
  const page = useMatch(['/', '/about'])

  return {
      <h1>{page === '/' ? 'Home' : page === '/about' ? 'About Us' : 'Default Title' } </h1>