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v4 Migration Guide

Raviger v4 comes with several high-impact breaking changes.

  • BREAKING: navigate now has options object instead of overloads
  • BREAKING: useNavigate uses updated navigate params
  • BREAKING: useLocationChange now invokes the setter with a RavigerLocation object instead of the path

The changes to navigate create a more readable API but require manual changes to migrate to. This guide will provide some find/replace regexs, but they do not account for calls that might be broken onto multiple lines. You will need to inspect every call to navigate in your app to ensure it is changed correctly.

Here are some sample migrations

// Replace
  find: navigate\((.+?)(, (true|false))\)
  replace: navigate($1, { replace: $3 })
navigate('/path', true) // -> navigate('/path', { replace: true })
navigate('/path', false) // -> navigate('/path', { replace: false })

// Query
  find: navigate\((.+?),\s?(\{.+?\})\)
  replace: navigate($1, { query: $2 })
navigate('/path', { name: 'raviger' }) // -> navigate('/path', { query: { name: 'raviger' } })

// State
navigate('/path', undefined, undefined, { name: 'raviger'}) // -> navigate('/path', { state: { name: 'raviger' } })

The old navigate signature had complex combinations of overloads, so it is unlikely that simple substitutions will cover all the cases in even smaller applications. I’m sorry for the pain this change is going to cause, and doubly sorry because I already knew of the code smell of boolean arguments in functions with more than two parameters. I should have used an options object to begin with and I won’t be making exceptions like this again.


Before v4 useLocationChange provided just the path to its setFn. It now provides a window.location like object that contains a path (and pathname, just to be consistent with window.location). While this new signature is strictly more useful, changes to your application can be avoided by adding a small utility method that emulates the previous behavior. You can replace all old usage of useLocationChange with this wrapper and be done.

export function usePathChange(
  setFn: (path: string | null) => void,
  options: LocationChangeOptionParams = {}
): void {
    useCallback((location: RavigerLocation) => setFn(location.path), [setFn]),