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A hook for imperative route changes that include any configured basePath


type NavigateWithReplace = (url: string, replace?: boolean) => void;
type NavigateWithQuery = (url: string, query?: URLSearchParams, replace?: boolean) => void;

export function useNavigate(optBasePath?: string): NavigateWithReplace & NavigateWithQuery;

The function returned by useNavigate has the same signature as the non-hook navigate function. The only difference is that this function considers the basePath when navigating.


import { useRoutes, useNavigate } from 'raviger'

function Home () {
  const navigate = useNavigate()

  // pathname will be /app/about after navigation
  return <button onClick={() => navigate('/about')}>about</button>

function About () {
  const navigate = useNavigate()

  // pathname will be /app/ after navigation
  return <button onClick={() => navigate('/')}>home</button>

const routes = {
  '/': () => <Home />
  '/about': () => <About />

export default function App() {
  return useRoutes(routes, { basePath: '/app' })

Outside a Router

If the useNavigate hook is used inside a router context (there is a useRoutes in its parent heirarchy), the basePath will be inherited. If the hook is used outside a router context, or if you want to override the basePath, you can call the useNavigate hook with an optBasePath argument.

Query Params and Replacing State

As with the non-hook navigate function, the function returned by useNavigate can be called with query params or with a boolean indicating whether to replace the current history entry rather than adding to the history.