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<Redirect />

A React component for causing a browser redirect


export interface RedirectProps {
  to: string
  query?: QueryParam | URLSearchParams
  replace?: boolean
  merge?: boolean
export const Redirect: React.FC<RedirectProps>


If rendered this component will force a redirect. Useful as a route function

import { useRoutes, Redirect } from 'raviger'

const routes = {
  '/': ({ title }) => <Home title={title} />,
  '/about': ({ title }) => <About />,
  '/redirect': () => <Redirect to='/about' />

export default function App() {
  let route = useRoutes(routes)
  return (

By default it will navigate with replace and merge both true.


If replace is true the redirect will not create a new entry in the history stack. default = true


Provide an object or URLSearchParams to be appended to the url. Will be merged over the current query values if merge: true


If merge is true the redirect will use existing location.hash and location.query values. Useful for rewriting URLs without losing their intended state. default = true