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This function causes programmatic navigation and causes all raviger hooks to re-render. Internally it used by the <Link> component.


export function navigate(
  url: string,
  options?: {
     * Use a `replace` instead of `push` for navigation
     * @default false */
    replace?: boolean
    /** Values to serialize as a querystring, which will be appended to the `url` */
    query?: QueryParam | URLSearchParams
    /**  value to pass as the state/data to history push/replace*/
    state?: unknown
): void

Note: navigate does not consider any basePath that may be set. The useNavigate hook should be used if you want to prepend the basePath to the URL when navigating.


the navigate function is intended to be used outside of components to perform page navigation programmatically.

import { navigate } from 'raviger'

export async function createUser () {
  let user = await createUser()

Normal navigation adds an entry to the browsers history stack, enabling the back button to return to the previous location. To instead change the page without adding to the history stack use the replace option. This is sometimes desirable when creating objects as the creation-page form may no longer be a valid location

import { navigate } from 'raviger'

export async function createUser () {
  let user = await createUser()
  navigate(`/users/${}`, { replace: true })

To navigate with a serialized query string pass an object to the query option.

import { navigate } from 'raviger'

export async function createUser () {
  let user = await createUser()
  navigate(`/users/${}`, { query: { ref: 'create page' }})

By default the state is null. You can control the state passed to history.pushState | history.replaceState using the state option.

import { navigate } from 'raviger'

export async function createUser () {
  let user = await createUser()
  navigate(`/users/${}`, { state: { user: user } })

Detecting navigate events

navigate has two modes: intra-domain navigation and extra-domain navigation. When navigating outside the current origin navigation is done directly, and no popstate event is dispatched. When navigating to the current origin a custom popstate event is dispatched. The event has a __tag: 'raviger:navigation' property is attached to help programmatically distinguish these events from popstate events dispatched from other sources, such as the browser back button.